Audiobook + workbook:

The Ten Commandments of a Good Entrepreneur


This workbook is primarily intended for students wanting to learn both business and English, as it combines the two in a unique way. With this book, you will learn new English words and phrases that you will certainly make use of when conducting business, while acquiring valuable business know-how at the same time.
TEN COMMANDMENTS OF A GOOD ENTREPRENEUR will teach you especially what you should not forget before you start a business and, if you are already running one, what steps should take to protect your business and family assets.
OPENING ADVICE: Don’t risk losing a lot for little gain!
  • The kind of person you are is reflected in your business dealings!
  • When drafting a business plan, take risk into account!
  • Choose a field of business with a competitive advantage!
  • Separate your personal and family assets from your business!
  • Choose the right form of business!
  • Do business by yourself or pick your partners very carefully!
  • Establish the right price for starting your business!
  • Have financing for the entire project ready in advance, including reserves!
  • Think about company costs in advance and continually try to optimize these!
  • Keep written accounts of all your business relationships from the beginning!
CLOSING ADVICE: Do not spend more than you earn and make reserves for bad times!
Includes: podcast + workbook
Vladimír John